Welcome to my Site!

This place needs an overhaul... sorry for the mess! :P

--- About Me ---

I'm Pera, a gay lil' nerd creature who fixes old dead electronics for fun. I'm gay, transfem, and live in England.

(free meee)

Born March 6th 2005, making me... 20.032886288686!

She/her or It/Its pronouns please! Just nouns work too!

  ~   ΘΔ

Through 2019-2023 I worked on various SS13 projects, primarily as a mapping contributor to Goonstation and then later making my own fork of SkyRat, 'Aculastation'.

Since the start of 2023 I have built and played-around with 3D printers, designing a variety of fully-OSHW custom controllers & PCBs, which can be found on my GitHub an KoFi.

The best way to contact is by DMing me on Discord, as I am online there at (almost) all times of day. You can add me @f191

If you were hoping to inquire about PCB design, please note I am not a certifed EE and merely a self-taught hobbyist, and will not accept commerical requests unless they are to be released under the OHLv2-S or a similar open-source hardware license.

--- Social Media Links ---

Mastodon Twitter Email FurAffinity Pronouns DB GitHub Ko-fi & Store Printables

--- BUTTONS ---

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Anything but Chrome! Chrome vs IE; Same shit, different asshole. Firefox; Takeback the web. BURN Chrome Learn HTML, NOW! Internet Privacy, NOW! LapfoxTrax Linux, NOW! Screw y'all. I'm going back to my LAN made with my OWN TWO PAWS Windows 10? NO! Made Wth Coffee This Machine KILLS Facists! NFT? No Fucking Thanks! 100% Cookie Free