I'm Pera, a gay lil' nerd creature who fixes old dead electronics for fun. I'm gay, transfem, and live in England.
(free meee)
Born March 6th 2005, making me... 20.032886288686!
Through 2019-2023 I worked on various SS13 projects, primarily as a mapping contributor to Goonstation and then later making my own fork of SkyRat, 'Aculastation'.
Since the start of 2023 I have built and played-around with 3D printers, designing a variety of fully-OSHW custom controllers & PCBs, which can be found on my GitHub an KoFi.
The best way to contact is by DMing me on Discord, as I am online there at (almost) all times of day. You can add me @f191
If you were hoping to inquire about PCB design, please note I am not a certifed EE and merely a self-taught hobbyist, and will not accept commerical requests unless they are to be released under the OHLv2-S or a similar open-source hardware license.